Summer is over, we are going back to work. You may be taking an exam this year at school, getting your driver's license or looking for a new job or relationship. For many people this means a new next step in life. For others nerves, anxiety, hyperventilation, crying or shaking. I used to work with a client, an ambulance driver, who suffered from the latest symptoms. In daily work, the client is not bothered by anything, during assessments and driving exams these symptoms arise. As you can expect, the quality requirements for ambulance employees are high! Assessments are dominated by theory exams, various simulated cases (and I let myself be told very realistic) and a driving exam. Anyway, it comes down to this, if you do not pass the assessment, then you cannot perform your function (temporarily). This caused the nerves that were needed, especially if you also suffer from what the client says, fear of failure. This fear of failure literally means 'the fear that I will not make it'. But also the inability to keep thinking (methodically) during the cases. This leads to hyperventilation, crying and shaking. Or, as the client called it 'a total blackout'. Two weeks before the assessment we did a problem-focused session on the fear of failure. This client had already completed the process therapy. In the days that followed, there was little evidence of the success of the session. The ego learns through experience and because the assessment has not yet been completed, the ego continues to respond in the old way. I received the biggest news when the client called me in the evening. The nerves, which have been bothering the client for 22 years at these moments, have not been present (outside the 'normal' nerves). One of the cases during the assessment could be better. Yet there was peace and the ability to act according to protocol and to support the colleague present. When I carefully asked if the client had noticed anything about hyperventilating, crying or shaking, the client said that for a moment he had the tendency to "panic himself." The client was even waiting for it. Until the client realized that it was no longer necessary. We call that an ego pattern that was successfully broken. What a nice result again from emotive therapy! Do you want to know what I can do for you? Then contact us. This article was written with the client's knowledge / approval.
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