For young & old Emotive Therapy is suitable for a wide audience. You can use it when you want to develop yourself and want more insight into your own functioning. But also if you want to let go of old patterns and regain control or freedom of choice over your daily life. Problems Emotive Therapy works well, for example, in tackling relationship or work issues, negative thoughts about yourself, fear of failure or perfectionism, unprocessed mourning issues, feelings of unrest, mood swings, hypersensitivity or HSP, learning to set limits, unexplained fears, feelings of anger or grief, recurring nightmares, PTSD, problems with sexuality, obsessive compulsive thoughts or actions. Examples of negative thoughts about ourselves are: I am not important .. I cannot be there. No one loves me. I am not heard / seen. I am alone. I must perform to be seen. I must not fail. I'm not good enough. Results The effect of Emotive Therapy is different for everyone. Below we indicate what we hear in our practice in terms of client results: Being able to be ourselves. No more worrying and being able to let go of it. Being able to choose for oneself and daring to speak. Being able to set limits on To be able to relax, laugh and enjoy. Experiencing (physical) rest. Experiencing an increase in energy. A decrease or even complete disappearance of psychosomatic complaints. Experiencing life as easier.