As an Emotional Therapist we would like you to be satisfied with the sessions and our professionalism of working. That is why we are affiliated with a professional association and have complaints and privacy regulations. We will inform you about this before or during the first contact. Privacy Of course we take privacy legislation (AVG) into account. The moment you decide to come and do Emotive Therapy, you will receive a privacy document from me explaining how we take your privacy into account. Collaboration with another practitioner Also when you have another practitioner or use certain medication, then it is possible to undergo this therapy. For example, because you want additional therapy in your process or because you have heard good things about emotive therapy. When regular practitioners and I work together as an emotional therapist, we speak of integral care. We think it is important that you discuss your wish to undergo emotional therapy with your practitioner and that they grant permission. Conversely, I am obliged to report to your practitioner. During therapy I can also advise you to look for a practitioner who supports you with certain parts of your process. For practitioners I shape integral care through the 'Protocol for complementary and alternative medicine; towards a responsible application within the GGZ 'of Lentis. This guideline provides me with tools to shape the care extension to the joint client or patient. Here I work from the following principles: I write a treatment plan and comply with privacy legislation, informing the practitioner at the start of the process, periodically informing the practitioner, referring them to the regular practitioner when contraindication for emotional therapy arises. We also follow regular training courses at the school for Emotion Therapy to keep abreast of new developments and for the purpose of quality improvement. (