Sensation center

Second brain / Emotional center

About Emotive Therapy In 1998, a book by Dr. Michael D. Gershon was published: "The second brain: a groundbreaking new understanding of nervous disorders of the stomach and intestine." He shows that we have an autonomous nervous system in our intestinal wall. This autonomic nervous system appears to affect our well-being and other diseases and is palpable as butterflies in the abdomen or jitters of the nerves. With emotive therapy we approach and use this autonomous nervous system as a center of feeling. You can recognize this feeling center by the butterflies in the abdomen when you are in love or the spinning or restless feeling when you are nervous. During the session we connect you to this, creating feelings of peace. During the session we bring the loads to this gut feeling. A load is a feeling of body tension with an emotion (of fear, anger or sadness). We can move this charge through the body and mix it in the feeling center. Because of this, these feelings can no longer trigger in daily life. And cease to exist.
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