Are you a general practitioner, company doctor, GGZ practice assistant, physical therapist or other healthcare provider? We may together mean something for your client / patient. I shape integral care through the 'Protocol for complementary and alternative medicine; towards a responsible application within the GGZ 'of Lentis. This guideline provides me with tools to shape the care extension to the joint client or patient. Here I work from the following principles: We write a treatment plan and comply with privacy legislation, informing the practitioner at the start of the process, periodically informing the practitioner, referring to the regular practitioner when contraindication for emotional therapy arises for us for granted. In and beyond our region we like to work together with other care providers. After all, the work is often not yet complete and / or other care providers are better placed. Sometimes the patients need an additional form of therapy or counseling. Together with these organizations from mental health care and / or primary care, we want to take care of the treatment together.